Originally Posted by [MERIT]
Only if you're weak, broken, ill or a piece of shit yourself, none of which apply to me. Stop trying to cast your shortcomings onto others.
I have an AMAZING 8 year old son who thinks the fucking world of me. I'm his father, his protector, his provider, his confidant and his best friend. I love him with every fiber of my being, and he loves me right back. We have a special bond, one which you will go to the grave without ever having experienced. Sit on that, beta.
All of this is meaningless to us since we don't know you, we don't know your son, and we've never seen you two together. For all we know you're a great father, or you might never have put a hand on your son but use verbal and emotional abuse in a way that is even more damaging, or you could just be a physical abuser lying to us. Could be that you're six months behind on child support and use that to bargain for time with your son. Maybe your ex-wife has every reason to keep your son from you.