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Old 01-13-2019, 04:54 PM   #9 (permalink)
Do good.
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Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Minneapolis, Minnesota
Posts: 2,065

Sure, I'll answer a few questions. And I do read quite fast. I'm an English teacher, reading is kinda my thing.

1. been to any good concerts lately?

Nope. My last "concert" was a house show put on by some friends of mine that included my buddy Matt (who is an excellent rapper) and my other friend Matt who DJs and did weird house stuff, mostly. It was super fun, but I don't have the time or money for concerts nowadays.

3. what are your 3 favorite 2018 albums? what record was the most dissapointing?

1. Tomb Mold, Manor of Infinite Forms
2. John Coltrane, Both Directions at Once
3. Brandi Carlile, By the Way, I Forgive You

The Death Grips album was a letdown. It had some bangers on it and did some interesting things, but didn't grab me. Maybe I've lost interest in them.

6. would you pay to see iggy pop live now(this summer actually) in his 70's? do you think its true he wont make another album?

I would pay to see him, his early work is some of my favorite music of all time. I don't care if he doesn't record again.

7. why you think hiphop dominates nowadays? do you think it dominates? has it gotten better? [i think not] has it more to do with clothes and lifestyle in general than with music? [youknow teenagers wearing hoodies and all that]

Hip hop dominates because hip hop is ****ing incredible as a genre and cultural movement, and it speaks the language of an oppressed people group better than anything else right now. The aesthetic of the genre, which the fashion, is an integral part of its expression, and should not be looked down upon.

8. whats your favorite tom waits album?

Diamond Dogs.

That's all I have time for.

。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ ^my RYM^  。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆

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