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Old 01-12-2019, 11:34 AM   #244 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Unitron View Post
It's techno, and as I've said before it's no wonder I love both 90's electronica and PS1 music.

A selling point for me, at least with the Snivilisation album, is the atmosphere that backs the great beats and melodies. I thought you might like that song in particular because of the vocals (She's Goldfrapp btw, if you're interested in checking out her stuff).

Maybe try this one? Has a bit more of a modern production:
I know Goldfrapp. Not hugely into their stuff, but I've been considering giving them a second try when I feel like it.

Anyway, about the above track. Well... I tried. I find it difficult to put into words exactly how the sensibilities of this music misses what I'm into by a wide margin, but I'm just not really feeling it. One part reminded me of the soundtrack for the PS2 snow boarding game Dark Summit, so now I feel like booting that up. But sadly, my PS2 is in need of repairs.

I don't know... Orbital just don't really have much going on that I really click with. Some semi-neat things going on here and there, but I don't feel like exploring their music any further.

Sorry. They do seem to be a band that you like a lot. Are they top 10 or 20 material for you, even?

Originally Posted by MicShazam View Post
Haha! Fear me, MicShazam, for I am your shameful past in music!

You used to like this song and you cannot hide from that fact!

Clawfinger - Do What I Say

Prove yourself a man and face your past!
Listened to this one again and, no joke, it's total ****. I must have been out of my mind back when I actually liked this song every time it played on MTV. I even bought the whole miserable album! Absolute trash. I can't think of a worse nu metal thing right now. At least the way the riff and vocal track interlocks during the verse is a somewhat original idea, but it's also a terrible idea. **** past me for not killing this thing with fire on first sighting.
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