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Old 01-12-2019, 06:53 AM   #8 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by ziggywas View Post
please dont start answering as micshazam and windshock did above, although i guess that that would be impossible and also that currently i am adding fuel to the fire
I was just joking. A lot of new posters just leave one comment and disappear, so I don't take it too seriously.

I'm gonna give you some real answers. Just gonna pick some of the questions.

2. do your ears sometimes hurt nowadays? [mine are beginning to do]
have you considered using earplugs?

No, but I've learned my lesson already as I have tinnitus. Use plugs. Don't even consider not using plugs if you're going to loud shows.

3. what are your 3 favorite 2018 albums? what record was the most disappointing?

The new Medina album was disappointing because it does nothing new whatsoever.

I have 36 albums from last year, so it's hard to pick. Most were good.
Current favorites include:

Barbara Morgenstern - Unschuld und Verwüstung
Arkona - Khram
Hop Along - Bark Your Head Off Dog
Neko Case - Hell-On
Mitra Sumara - Tahdig

But I'm still working on chewing through all of that music.

4. do you liked the last spiritualized album? you think he kinda repeats himself? or is this exactly the point?

I checked it out back when everyone seemed to talk about it on the internet. Wasn't really my cup of tea. I didn't really get what was so special about it. Seemed kinda bland to me.

8. whats your favorite tom waits album?

Not a big fan, but if I had to pick one, it would be Small Change.

9. do you consider reggae to be a fully legit kind of music, or kinda 'inferior'?

Why wouldn't it be legit? It's pretty limited, but so are lots of other highly specific genres, like 12 bar blues, death metal, rockabilly or gospel.

A reggae artist I like would be Hollie Cook.

10. how do you listen to music? i mean spotify, mp3+winamp in a computer [its what i mostly do] or you play records or just youtube all day long or what?

CDs on my stereo, Spotify, youtube and ripped .mp3 files on my computer.
Planning on buying a record player some day.

11. do you listen to the actual radio or some kind of internet radio or podcast or whatever?

I don't like radio. But I do sometimes listen to podcasts, but not actually music podcasts. Just interviews and such.

12. name 3 musical sites you like to visit.

Allmusic's new albums and editor's choice sections.
A random mish mash of other sites I swing by on occasion, but I don't have any favorites outside of Allmusic.

13. do you spend some money in music-related stuff? how? how many?

Lots and lots of CDs... I get many of them cheap, but it costs me some money for sure.

18. do you read actual music magazines or fanzines sometimes?

A couple times a year, I borrow some issues of Froots magazine at the library to catch up with some folk artists I wouldn't have found otherwise.
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