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Old 01-12-2019, 04:40 AM   #6 (permalink)
Zhanteimi's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2014
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Ah fuck it.

Originally Posted by ziggywas View Post
shitload of questions as follows
1. been to any good concerts lately?

Latest was February last year, where I saw Kishi Bashi at a hole-in-the-wall venue in Tokyo. Yes, it was a glorihole.

2. do your ears sometimes hurt nowadays? [mine are beginning to do]
have you considered using earplugs?

Not really. I never blast music, though, because I want to enjoy my music all my life.

3. what are your 3 favorite 2018 albums? what record was the most disappointing?

공중도둑 [Mid-Air Thief] - 무너지기 (Crumbling), All Traps on Earth - A Drop of Light, and Koenji Hyakkei - Dhorimviskha. Disappointing? That Father John Misty garbage.

4. do you liked the last spiritualized album? you think he kinda repeats himself? or is this exactly the point?

Nah. I'm past that band now.

5.what about the beak> album?


6. would you pay to see iggy pop live now(this summer actually) in his 70's? do you think its true he wont make another album?

Nope. Yep.

7. why you think hiphop dominates nowadays? do you think it dominates? has it gotten better? [i think not] has it more to do with clothes and lifestyle in general than with music? [youknow teenagers wearing hoodies and all that]


8. whats your favorite tom waits album?

...fuck. Good question. Honestly can't answer that.

9. do you consider reggae to be a fully legit kind of music, or kinda 'inferior'?

Sure. I guess.

10. how do you listen to music? i mean spotify, mp3+winamp in a computer [its what i mostly do] or you play records or just youtube all day long or what?

I don't stream. I have to have it in digital or physical format or I don't listen to it.

11. do you listen to the actual radio or some kind of internet radio or podcast or whatever?


12. name 3 musical sites you like to visit.

musicbanter, rym, r/letstalkmusic

13. do you spend some money in music-related stuff? how? how many?

I buy vinyl. I spend only Christmas money on them.

14. does your profession or studies or something that has to do with your 'main occupation' lets call it has to do something with music?

Yeah. I get to teach a course on the history of rock & roll.

15. do you actively play an instrument? in a band or orchestra or in a quartet or smth?

Acoustic guitar, and I suck at it.

16. do you like being asked questions? about almost any subject? why? do es it make you feel important?

I'm a full-blown self-actualized narcissist.

17. you sometimes sing when you take a bath? when you dont?

Never when bathing, often when not.

18. do you read actual music magazines or fanzines sometimes?

lol no

19. will it kinda bother you if i dont put a question number 20 and leave it at 19? are you 100% sure?

19 is a good number.

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