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Old 01-09-2019, 09:22 PM   #5166 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Neapolitan View Post
I served with Frownland in I knew Frownland. Frownland was a friend of mine. [MERIT], Frownland has no asshole about him. He's not wantonly actually acting like an asshole for the sake of assholery. It's more like parodying assholes that one would meet in the world. Those kind of people that stress you out totally. He uses their antics as a premise, and takes it full tilt. It's like negative feedback loop, but in a positive way. Reading the subtext of his post one would easily ascertain it's all but a parody of assholing. It's not to be taken seriously. Not to white knight Frownland, but in his defense he is actually using "surreal and/or absurdist humour" in the guise of assholish jibes and other douchebaggery nonsense.
Careful, those are trigger words for some users.
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