Hi Trollheart! Thanks for doing us the courtesy of dropping in and answering some questions that've been floating around MB since you left us. You have been missed already, and I guess will now continue to be so.
Originally Posted by Trollheart
Hopefully, at some point over the seven years I was here, I was able to reciprocate, as long as the bathroom door was locked, that is! 
You reciprocated in spades, Trollheart; luckily that's still legal in Ireland. You are one of the most prolific and positive members we've ever had; you brought the entire journal section to life and it wasn't for nothing that you were voted Member, or Threadstarter of the Year so often. You and me had some interesting discussions together - you helped me out with Genesis, and I particularly remember when you, me and Poor Ol' Po swapped recommendations about patriotic Irish songs. Remember that thread?
So I guess that’s it guys. After seven years and a bit, this is me saying cheery-bye. Odd that after everything, it doesn’t end with a roar, a sulk, a threat or in a cloud of fire and fury, but with basically a shrug of the shoulders, hands in pockets and a shuffle towards the exits.
^ That's very well put, and because of its lack of drama it is all the more convincing. I'm sorry you've chosen to leave us, but at one level I congratulate you on making a clean dignified break and I wish you well with your other projects and in your home life too.
Take care, TH, and don't be shy of coming back if you have a change of
trollheart. Geddit?!