Originally Posted by Fluff
38 years ago today, John Lennon was murdered in New York.
For anyone who was alive and remembers it, what was it like?
I was sitting on the crapper in our basement, I was a teenager. We had a finished basement that was like a family room. I'm sitting on the crapper in the bathroom and my father, who was watching TV, shouts out something like, "Lennon's been killed!" Not being able to see the TV from the bathroom I thought, "Huh? Lenin? Wouldn't he have already died a long time ago?" Anyway when I finished my thing I got out of the bathroom and my father filled in some more details while we were watching the news. The rest of the night I spent listening to the radio and everyone playing Beatles and Lennon songs.
Double Fantasy had come out some months earlier and I was bit sick of a few of the songs on the radio already. But by that time I *was* a Beatles fan (though not as big as I got several years later) so I did appreciate the magnitude of the event.