Originally Posted by Lucem Ferre
So let's ignore that he's literally told majority of the forum that they're inferior to him. Literally telling elph that he can't have children because nature deems his genes as useless. Or when he went to every other thread personally attacking Frown any time he could.
Yeah, plenty of mass shooters, especially of the variety I'm comparing him to, think they do it for a good cause.
Weird opinions? Like thinking that women are useless beyond sex?
Plenty of us have attacked his views and he's always made it personal. You're really cherry picking here. Or selective memory.
I'm not gonna bother digging into every one of those scenarios that you see as good cases against Merit, but I don't think we'd agree. I don't see him dishing out any worse than he's taking. If anything, Merit's one of the better behaved members, despite the tinfoil rants.