Originally Posted by windsock
Nietzsche wrote the ideas of pre-Socratic philosophers in Ancient Greece in regards to their kind of proto-pessimism. He specifically pointed to Anaximander (who predates Plato quite a bit iirc) as a "true pessimist", though like I said before I'm not well-read enough in Greek philosophy to know the subtle nuances between their brand and present-day pessimist thought.
As for the Vedics, I'm not very familiar with Vedic-era literature other than some cursory knowledge of the Rigveda and Kautilya's Arthashastra (which I believe is Vedic era but I could be wrong), so I honestly don't know how much influence they had on Schopenhauer. If you'd like to enlighten me on that though I'd very much like the knowledge.
Not an authority, either, but this is what I have gleaned.
Shame that you aren't a Classicist. Looking for early texts on Musicology.