Originally Posted by Oriphiel
Mic - Omg, first Dir Ein Gray, now Stam1na? You're killin' me. But, uh... it's... alright, I guess? Fun video. Second song was cool from what I could hear, but one side of my headphones went out, so here's hoping nothing really cool happened only on the left side of the recording studio.
Sorry, but I just watched that Stam1na music video again and had to share it with an easy victim.
That Sanne Salomonsen track is really cool. I've actually considered her an artist I don't like for years, but then decided on a whim to check out her earliest records. I played that track over and over an evening where I was listening to the whole album. Don't know what you missed, but maybe some more guitar details during the ending would have been panned further to each side. Got a plan for buying new headphones?