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Old 11-24-2018, 03:06 AM   #1969 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by [MERIT] View Post
Looks legit! I'm in the market for a cast iron skillet. I saw some in the camping section at Walmart that were just a fraction of the price of the ones in the kitchen section. I'm wondering what the catch is. Like, do I need to season them extra, or are they just pieces of sh!t? I mean, cast iron is cast iron, right?
The catch is that they are heavier and harder to clean then norma skillets (such as ceramic). But you get a muuuuch better sear on your meat with cast iron, they pretty-much last forever, and it won't warp. You also should oil it after using it ("season") to keep it in good condition.

I got mine from the second - hand store as I don't see much difference in buying them new or used. And they work a treat.
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