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Old 11-23-2018, 09:39 PM   #1968 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Plankton View Post
I got it as a late bday gift yesterday, since the fam finally all got together. This one here:

Not sure about the Walmart ones, but this one comes pre-oiled up and ready to go. I just had to rinse and wipe it. When it comes to cookware, you're better off paying a little extra so it'll last longer, since there a lot of ways to cheapen up metals/iron, and heat is always a factor in it's shelf life.
I've given a bunch as gifts. I usually spend around $35 - $50 USD on them. The ones that I saw in the camping section at Walmart were around $7 - 12, which is WAY lower, and made me cautious. They felt rough inside, which leads me to believe that they haven't been oiled / seasoned.
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