1. Have you ever convinced someone of something that wasn't true?
Probably some small white lie. If you b.s. people too much, you also have to cover for yourself every time the thing you lied about comes up again, and who wants to do that?
I do something better than lying: Evade topics by any means.
2. What's the first book that you bought for yourself?
No idea. Does comic books count, because it would have been one of those. Maybe a Calvin & Hobbes album.
3. If you were given a sex change for a day, what would you do and how well do you think you could make it work?
Give me a sex change and I still look like a dude, so I don't think it would change much. I'd have to sit down and pee.
4. You're taking a relative out shopping when a rude guy cuts ahead of you in line. You inform him that you are a master of K A R A T E, but he just laughs at you. What do you do?
I will do nothing except feel disappointed in my fellow humans.
5. You find a spell that will allow you to stay alive and young for as long as you want, so long as you sacrifice a baby every few months. Would you do it?
I don't think I would do that. If I would, I hope a god would appear in the clouds and fry me to cinders with lightning.
6. What's your favorite brand/flavor of gum?
I don't like the concept of gum. Loses most flavor too soon and then I have to look for somewhere to dispose of it. Mint gum tastes good, but that's because mint tastes good. So just give me a mint caramel or something.