Surprise Friday six pack!
1. Have you ever convinced someone of something that wasn't true?
You mean lied? Sure.
2. What's the first book that you bought for yourself?
Other than comic 'books', I think it was a Mel Bay guitar instruction book that I just tried to find an image of, but that was almost 40 years ago, so no dice.
3. If you were given a sex change for a day, what would you do and how well do you think you could make it work?
I'd make one hell of a lesbian.
4. You're taking a relative out shopping when a rude guy cuts ahead of you in line. You inform him that you are a master of K A R A T E, but he just laughs at you. What do you do?
I'd smile and let that person do what they needed to do. The world isn't going to end because of someone else's ignorance. Some people might say "It's the principal of it all". The principal is setting a good example.
5. You find a spell that will allow you to stay alive and young for as long as you want, so long as you sacrifice a baby every few months. Would you do it?
Uh, no. I'd try to destroy that spell.
6. What's your favorite brand/flavor of gum?
The cardboard-like stuff that came with these:
Nostalgia, baby.