Hey there
So a few months ago i just got so bored right? I sat myself down at my computer and thought long and hard. So then here comes this movie about some emo kids who promote their own religion over the web, they make a **** loada money with thier bogus religion and they are sent to jail by some metal kids hoping to get off on the publicity with their lame band. Its a really good piece. forbidden romance, great soundtrack, action, a *** wedding and a huge scale prison break! Look, whoever can get their asses down to Essex on Saturday the 1st-6th of April (dates not yet verified), then we're begging you to come to auditions okay? Theres a grunger shortage in Essex. If any of y'all want a copy of the script and the adress to come to and maybe talk to the crew includin myself, then you can all email me at
corgan666@hotmail.co.uk. It's a new account I opened just for this project. Well thank you guys, please come to auditions. We'll be filming location mostoly due to a huge lack or proper closed sets we can use. But we need a few more cameras and some supplies and the script isnt eniterly finshed per say, but otherwise we're on track. So mail me for further info on "Foul Mantra Productions" and on this project and thanx again.
Urs Sincerly