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Old 11-17-2018, 02:35 PM   #669 (permalink)
Marie Monday
the bantering battleaxe
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Join Date: Oct 2018
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I get why people prefer Revolver, but for me it has been sgt. Pepper for as long as I can remember. It's a childhood thing, my grandpa had it and I always requested it when I visited him. Whenever the chorus of Lucy in the sky with diamonds came around I felt pure bliss. A day in the life always scared the **** out of me. When I was around three years old I actually thought that all the people on the cover were the background musicians, because obviously the music wasn't played by four people. I was very proud of that solid logical connection.
From the time when I was around seven I didn't hear sgt Pepper for many years, until my mom gave it to me for my thirteenth birthday. I remember sort of ditching my own party to listen to it and how the whole album came back to me. That was one of the most beautiful moments of my life.

Originally Posted by Trollheart View Post
You sound like Buffy after they dragged her back from Heaven.
Originally Posted by WWWP View Post
I want to open a school for MB's lost boys and teach them basic coping skills and build up their self esteem and strengthen their emotional intelligence and teach them about vegetables and institutionalized racism and sexism and then they'll all build a bronze statue of me in my honor and my bronzed titties will forever be groped by the grubby paws of you ****ing whiny pathetic white boys.
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