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Old 11-14-2018, 08:51 PM   #3 (permalink)
Join Date: Aug 2012
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Originally Posted by Frownland View Post
Definitely a good problem. I'm a huge fan of live scores during screenings, but I might skip the ones that they're having at the festival for fear of falling asleep after marathoning concerts. Not sure if I'll see any speakers, it'd have to be pretty interesting for me to skip a show for it.

We'll see but I'm pretty interested in seeing an ensemble that large. I'm sure that someone's gonna get cut too. Oh and the Lucier performance of I Am Sitting in a Room is going to be a must as well. And KTL. And Tim Berne's Snakeoil. And Thumbscrew. And Yves Tumor. And Fire!. And Jlin...****.
They started moving the talks to late morning or early afternoon last year,
so, for example, we could see Roedelius talk at something like 1PM and
there might be a “minor” band playing somewhere else. Yes, there’s the
heavy acts usually between 5 and 10PM, so sometimes that’s when the
decision making has to happen - but hey! it’s an incredible environment.

My story about my first time performing “...Sitting...” is that I had the first
recording of it from the early 70s. I hadn’t yet met Lucier so I didn’t know
that he had a speech impediment and thought that the stuttering part was
part of the piece, so I included it in the recitation. It added some rhythm. 🤪
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