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Old 11-12-2018, 01:51 PM   #15380 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by RL Clown View Post
Some immigrants are very rude... There was an immigrant who actually yelled at me just because I didn't understand his question the first time. I felt like responding to him, "Well, maybe if you actually put in some more effort into studying English, I would actually understand your question a little bit better." But at that time, I didn't respond. I just walked away from him and I ignored him. (Maybe it's because I come from a religious background or maybe it's because I have some good moral values.) I think that something is wrong with the system... These immigrants have poor spelling, they're rude, and they actually have high-level jobs?? Why don't you give these jobs to someone who is polite and actually knows how to spell?
If you can't see what's wrong with your own reasoning here, you should consider never speaking your mind again. You know, just to avoid looking like an idiot.
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