Originally Posted by [MERIT]
I would use compression socks for everyday walking and calf braces for running.
Good insoles are always a good idea whenever walking or running. Try out different configurations to see what works for you and your arches.
I have a sweet pair of leather shoes [not for running, obviously] that I've had for like a decade. I got new insoles and the shoes seemed at least 1 size too big. Leather had stretched out and the new insoles were smaller than the last. Lame.
I suffered for about a week then got myself some compression socks, wore them for 2 days solid and it has dramatically reduced it. Can’t feel it at all. Haven’t tried running in them yet because I’ve just been doing other types of cardio to try rest them as much as possible. I’m going to get fitted for insoles or trainers after Christmas and hopefully I won’t need anything else

Originally Posted by eric generic
On splints:
1. Make sure you are slowly increasing running volume / week
2. Strength conditioning (here is a running youtube with tons of great guides https://www.youtube.com/user/TREther...ence/playlists )
3. Vit C / D can't hurt. I always forget to take it. Also: having a good diet in general should benefit your recovery.
4. Try not to run if you are still sore from the last one. Listen to your body, rest it when it needs etc.
5. Don't fu ck with insoles. Get some good running shoes. I recommend going to a running shoe store and having them do a free workup, but you can also find out if your pronation etc if you do some more research online.
Thanks very much, I’ve stopped just now but I’ll slow my intervals right down.
I’ll definitely need to get more vitamin D, that’s probably something my diet lacks because I’m not even sure what foods it is in.
Yeah I’m definitely going to get some proper trainers fitted, it’s something I’ve grew to love so don’t mind spending some money on a good pair!