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Old 11-08-2018, 07:16 PM   #15284 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Lucem Ferre View Post
I always interpreted your posts as lets not ignore the pieces of **** on this side in spite of the other side.

You kinda came off as a conservative based on the imbalance of criticism but I'm not willing to jump to conclusions because you've never said anything that seemed to be supportive of republicans.
I feel like things like this are something someone should be saying once I've been here for like 3 years, not two months. I usually don't even want to get entangled in internet politics (and here I am), but in the cases I have I don't even think I've purported myself as republican. An example that keeps being given is that I wondered why Bob Menendez wasn't "Kavanaughed" despite the accusations against him being subjectively worse than those against the judge. It wasn't directed at a singular group, but moreso to our society for putting our ideologies before our morals. I don't see how that's a right-wing view.

My question is that if I said this about Menendez and said something "the job's market seems to be doing well under the current administration", would you brand me as right wing? My assumption is yes, even if a month later I could be saying Trump's rhetoric concerning the caravan was very poorly judged and necessarily inflammatory or that I want the dude impeached ASAP.

My point is that this psychoanalysis of my political positions is incorrect and dangerous, and I've even given leeway to people like Frown and outright told them my political opinions, something I'm not willing to do. It's not about whether I'm scared or defensive due to a group of individuals with political ideologies opposing mine, it's that I'm being branded as something I'm not and having conclusions drawn about me from that incorrect characterization.

Originally Posted by elphenor View Post
I don't want to rec you anything, I want you to stop posting actually
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