Originally Posted by windsock
I'm not so sure on that one. I think Hitler was every bit as real as he's been made out to be and was responsible for the deaths of a vast number of Jews. I don't think I'm nihilistic enough to believe that that was all just done to form the state of Israel :\
Is it possible though? Anything's ****ing possible. Hitler could have been a grey alien disguised within an angry little body.
Like I said, he was bad. But as far as his connections and backhanded intent, there are many schools of thought. He was responsible for the deaths of A LOT of people, not just Jews. And he was a Nationalist and a Socialist, both of which are undesirable.
And I'm not saying it was done to create the state of Israel, but that the state of Israel, as we know it, would not exist, or would have taken VASTLY longer to come to fruition, if there had not been a global propaganda war, painting Jews as victims [which they were, just to a lesser extent than advertised].