A spectre appears to you in a long, black robe. They have no features understandable by your puny mortal mind, but a voice dim as a moonless sky slithers from its hood and into your mind. It asks you a simple choice, and warns that there is no third option.
You must choose between a cat with a human face, and a dog with human hands. Each beast is unkillable and if threatened with violence, will return in kind. If somehow deposed or escaped from, they will always reappear the next day. Each being can use its human features to their full capacity. Whichever monster you choose will now be your lifelong companion, and will not leave your side until the day that you die a thankful death, in which case it will move onto its next victim.
Choose wisely.
Last edited by Blarobbarg; 11-06-2018 at 06:17 PM.