Originally Posted by OccultHawk
Someone probably concluded a chronically unsupervised rottie was a menace to the neighborhood.
It seems around here people who get the most powerful dogs are the least inclined to properly care for them. That’s a heartbreaking story. When you get a dog your honor bound to care for it. That’s the deal for a creature that will love you so much. That story sucks. **** whoever shot that dog.
He was in the back yard never bothered anybody, really nice dog too.
But yeah, there are a lot of people that get the big dogs almost as if it's to make up for their own insecurities and don't supervise it or what not. Like, in my experience, most people I know that have a big dog fetish are irresponsible dude bros that always try to prove their manhood. With this one, pretty much, my friend's little brother didn't take care of it or watch it or even buy it's food his mom did. I don't understand why he got a big dog prior to having a place to keep a big dog. But idiots will be idiots. ****er owes me money too. Either way, I was upset that the dog was killed. Who just suddenly decides to shoot your dog in the backyard? Ace was goddamn sweetheart, people are pieces of **** sometimes. I'd take a big happy rottweiler over most people any day.