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Old 10-21-2018, 03:26 PM   #580 (permalink)
Lucem Ferre
Cuter Than Post Malone.
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Originally Posted by 66Sexy View Post
Our species doesn't disgust me except in doses. There are cases that offend me, but those are honestly irrational. Morality evolved to facilitate humans living in groups and to lose faith in humanity because of that morality is irrational. The only rational response to human morality is to use it increase human survivability, and when the human race falls short of that morality as a whole then it's rather funny to me. We've given ourselves a catch 22.

We can never live up to our own impossible standards that exist only to perpetuate our species, and yet when we on occasion do live up to those standards it's either because through struggle we've finally managed to reach standards low enough that we can't help but not fail them or because those standards were never high enough in the first place.

And yet it's dumb simply to strive for those standards because we made them up and they don't mean anything beyond being goalposts for the sake of being goalposts.
I think about these things a lot. Like how morality is basically based upon what benefits the human race yet certain things that help us still don't feel right for what ever reason. Like purging people with disabilities such as diabetes or autism or anxiety disorders to cleanse the gene pool so to speak would technically benefit the human race but still feels wrong. Or how I hate killing spiders despite fearing them because I don't think it's fair to die a horrible miserable death just for being a freaky 8 legged monstrosity. There are certain things that people say I should feel guilty about but don't and there are certain things people say I shouldn't feel guilty about but I do. Then again, guilt is probably also conditioned by the morality programmed into us at a young age. You get shamed for certain things as a child and you grow up feeling that shame for the same behaviors as an adult. There's times where I get hit with random waves of guilt or shame for minuscule things that I shouldn't feel bad about or just things from the past that I never stopped feeling bad about because I was berated and made to feel disgusting for.

Or maybe morality is born out of empathy which is a human emotion and would explain it's irrationality. If that's the case then maybe people who try to hold others to impossible to reach moral standards with out a hint of understanding and empathy are in themselves immoral for doing so. Expecting humans not to make mistakes or to be perfect harms them by forcing shame or guilt that can turn into self loathing rather than teaching them and allowing them to grow and become better. If forgiveness is lost then so is empathy and so are your morals. At that point you're just 'virtue signaling' to create the appearance of moral superiority. You're taking advantage of society's strange rules to feed your narcissism or gain a higher status in the social hierarchy. That is sociopath behavior.
Lucem, you're right, it's silly to talk about what I would or wouldn't do IRL. Glad you brought it up. Maybe you should write an instrumental about it. I recommend a piano paired with a clarinet. With ambient sounds of you hanging from your shower curtain you ****ing failure.

Art Is Dead. Buy My ****.
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