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Thread: Your Day
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Old 10-19-2018, 05:43 PM   #56605 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by elphenor View Post
sorry to hear that

my fingertips are purple cuz I got some black dye on them very upsetting
I cook with turmeric a lot, so I'm used to having yellow everywhere. That sh*t stains like a motherf*cker.

Still surviving on live Linux distros, as my HDD died. Hoping I can salvage the files. Got screwed out of my weekend with my son, AGAIN. It doesn't make any sense.

His mom scheduled an activity on MY weekend, which the court said she can't do. It's a trip to the KC Chiefs game on Sunday. My son is excited about it, so of course I can't tell him no.

But the game isn't until Sunday night, and I usually have him Friday night - Sunday afternoon. The game is like 2-3 hours away. So why should I miss my weekend with him? DOES.NOT.COMPUTE. I'm guessing that they have other plans that she just chose not to tell me about, which is fine.

And Batty, please save your comments. I'm not in the mood for them.
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