Originally Posted by Unitron
"If the game's not fun, why bother?" - the holy prophet Reggie
As far as what I've been playing, I beat Doom II with the complex doom mod, so now I'm on to trying to beat Plutonia and TNT. TNT has been a blast so far, and I think it's not far off from being as good as Doom II. There's a real good consistency with the maps.
Plutonia on the other hand, holy crap is that basically nightmare mode in any other Doom game. Too many Archvilles and Revenents for my tastes. Though I will say I do really like the idea for the Hunted stage, though it could have been executed much better. I have to give it credit for making Archvilles more intimidating and less annoying, but the maze gets a bit too confusing and I don't like the random opening of the doors.
While I think the Hunted stage is a bit crap, I ****ing love Plutonia. I've completed it several times on Ultra Violence difficulty. But yeah, it's definitely the one you shouldn't play until you're through the other Doom 2 maps. The two secret stages are downright nuts.
TNT is my favourite Doom related thing. I just love the atmosphere and the style of level design.