Originally Posted by MicShazam
Grinding is a pointless waste of time. JRPG's is a genre that I loved back when I first got a PS1, then grew to loathe, more or less. I love the idea of that big adventure, but figthing the same random mobs ad nauseam while I get slightly stronger, battle by battle... it's kinda anti-fun. If I try and play something like Final Fantasy 7 now, I end up in a near catatonic state where the stream of drool from the side of my mouth is the only sign that I'm still alive.
"Oh look, it's the same three ice enemies that I've killed 50 times already! I guess I'll firaga those boys a few times like the previous 50 times and see the exact same outcome happen. Boy, am I having fun!"
My personal hell would be a small room with nothing but a ps1 and it's entire library of Japanese McGrind-a-thons.
You not liking something that others like? I'm shocked. Grinding isn't that bad if it isn't the whole point of the game. I've done heavy grinding in some games and I tend to enjoy it.