Originally Posted by eric generic
What a surprise. MicShazam "doesn't even like" yet another beloved franchise.
Hey, welcome back. Haven't seen you in a minute.
I've been replaying GTA IV (mostly because I don't own Red Dead Redemption) to get hyped for RDR2.
GTA IV is pretty much exactly how I remember it: more fun to experience and look at than to actually play. It's got the best GTA story of the bunch, and the recreation of New York is a sight to behold. But the sluggish rage engine, the claustrophobic feeling of the city, and the lack of crazy **** to do really brings the game down. It feels more like a rich man's The Getaway than a GTA. Also the story missions get stale after a while: drive to point A, meet contact, contact flees, car chase ending with shootout at point B. Rinse and repeat.