Thank you for all the suggestions everyone, it's been an enormous help. I just finished putting together a 165 song playlist that will span 11.5 hours or so, as well as a custom 10 minute intro, which will cover an exactly 10 minute span, which is needed to give the players time to get to their respective tee's for a "Shotgun Start". There are 3 start times, 9am, 12pm, and 3pm. After each players meeting, as they are walking to their tee's, they'll hear:
◙ Mozart - The Marriage of Figaro Duettino Sull 'Aria (from Shawshank)
◙ Everyone's Coming to New York/The Duke Arrives/The Barricade from Escape From NY Soundtrack with some sporadic dialog overdubbed for dramatic effect.
◙ An old siren
◙ A small Snake Plisskin Quip:
Hauk: "Remember, once you're inside you're on your own"
Snake: "You mean I can't count on you?"
Hauk: "No"
Snake: "Good"
◙ Prison Cell Door Slam!
tee-off time
Thin Lizzy - Jailbreak will kick off each of the three separate rounds, followed by the main bulk of music which will be played on random throughout the day and paused before each block of players set out to their starting tee's as the intro plays for each.
Still, keep contributing to the thread though if you fell like it. See what else is out there.
Thanks again.
See location...