Originally Posted by adidasss
Ah yes, it's the classic american ideal of individualism, decentralization, less government, more money in your pocked, you'll have to pry my guns away from my cold dead hands, why would I pay more money for some lazy person to sit on their ass and not try harder to make it etc. As I say, it's what America was founded on. You are the torch bearers of egotistical libertarianism and are generally brainwashed into having an allergic reaction to socialism, solidarity and in general a more fair society. Hence an insane pressure to "succeed", bullying, bro-culture, patriarchy, racism etc, all the good things embodied in the current administration.
So yah bro, I totally get what you mean, I think you're fine the way you are. It's just the best you can do. The other option is communism. Like Venezuela. I mean look what happened there.
Make America great again! 
The "socialist" countries I'm familiar with and have spent time in make the bureaucracy we have here look like a walk in the park.
Also, spare me the buzzwords. It's a real disservice to actual race and gender-equality issues. The human condition isn't pretty. For those without entrepreneurial aspirations, I'd highly recommend moving to Denmark. The quality of life is good there, but you will never have even a snowball's chance in hell of starting a serious business there because you'll be taxed to oblivion long before you ever reach profitability. Assuming you can even find a decent angel investor or VC firm: they tend to be a way harder sell over there than the ones I've dealt with domestically.
Until someone comes up with something better that works at scale, I'm fine with a more finely tuned version of capitalism. Knock the megacorporations down a peg or two and 90% of the problem is solved. Once they are broken up and the market is less squashed in, then you can create more incentives for smaller companies at the local level and watch those job opportunities breed like rabbits.