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Old 09-30-2018, 11:53 AM   #474 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Waddles View Post
I believe in God, in a way that most people would identify as Christian. I hesitate to label myself as such, however, because I don't know what people mean or think of when they say "Christian."

I'm not a fundamentalist who believes long hair, rock music, and so on is evil. I'm not an evangelical who wants to spread the good news about Jesus to people who aren't interested. Nor am I a progressive Christian, because I'm not a progressive.

I read the Bible and pray, but not on a schedule or according to any ritual. I don't attend church, because my (diagnosed) PTSD makes that next to impossible. I abhor Christian art both on artistic and theological grounds, for the most part.

If you look at my life, you probably can't tell the difference between me and a non-Christian, because I don't feel the need to wear my religion on my sleeves. You'd have to ask me about my specific beliefs, which I can summarize in very general terms with the following:

I'm happy to tell you my specific beliefs if you ask, but remember, don't ask questions you don't really want the answers to. I also remain skeptical about my beliefs, enough to remain open to civil discussion.

I'm no one's keeper but my own. I don't have to agree with your decisions to let you make them.
I'm 100% atheist, but I respect religious people. If nothing else, I realize that life is hard and that we're all looking for some way to cope. Years back, I used to be way more militant in my atheism, but now I feel like I just want to find a way to let life slide by with minimal friction. I don't believe in an afterlife, but I'm not going to call you a fool for maybe doing so.

Sorry to hear about your PTSD btw. Can't imagine what that's like.

It would be a comfort to believe that there's something better waiting around the bend, but I just can't believe that. I've accepted my mortality. Just trying to use it as a motivation to make the most of my time and be more kind.
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