Originally Posted by Waddles
I don't mind full albums, but it's rare that I like that much of a particular album. I think the last full album I listened to without skipping anything was "Foiled" by Blue October. Usually I end up getting bored with a song here and there, and skip it.
I can be very moody and particular about what music I want to listen to. Spotify hates me (and I hate it) because of that "YOU ALREADY SKIPPED THREE SONGS ******* YOU CAN'T SKIP NO MO'!" feature. I like YouTube, because I can skip around at a whim and play whatever I want, when I want.
It's not all albums that play well in full. I've got folders on my computer with good songs I've kept from albums that were super inconsistent.
Try the album mentioned above

(or don't, but for what it's worth, I think it's great all the way through)