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Old 09-17-2018, 12:58 PM   #8628 (permalink)
Just Keep Swimming...
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1. As we are now into September, how was the summer for you? (Answer winter if it was winter where you are.)

Not too bad, except for getting bit on the jugular by a spider. That sucked.

2. When was the last time you were genuinely scared?

There were a few times while buying drugs where things went pretty bad, but that was a long time ago. I still look back on those days and get a little uneasy.

3. What was the last book you read? Was it any good?

Hmmm, it's been a while. I think maybe King's 'Desperation'.

4. What was the last 5* album you discovered?

Clutch - Blast Tyrant (after years of just listening to parts of it, I gave the full album a listen and was a little bit disappointed that I hadn't done that sooner).

5. What one thing do you do better than anyone else you know?

Wipe my butt.

6. What would be the hardest thing for you to give up?

See location...
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