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Old 09-17-2018, 12:38 PM   #8627 (permalink)
Music Addict
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Join Date: Oct 2009
Posts: 1,265

1. As we are now into September, how was the summer for you? (Answer winter if it was winter where you are.)

Way too hot and humid. I don’t tolerate heat well – makes me feel ill and a little depressed sometimes.

2. When was the last time you were genuinely scared?

I have a friend who has always been a very stable person – who about a month ago started seeing visions of people in her apartment. She calls me during or after seeing “the people” (as she refers to them) and describes their activities. She may have Parkinson’s but hasn’t been properly diagnosed yet – she’s going through cognitive/psychiatric testing. So I suppose the last time I was genuinely scared was yesterday when we last spoke about these visions.

3. What was the last book you read? Was it any good?

Literally the last book? I read a children’s book titled “Feather” in a Barnes & Noble cafĂ© – loved the illustrations and the fable of a feather seeking the bird it belongs to.

4. What was the last 5* album you discovered?

Nothing I discovered myself.

5. What one thing do you do better than anyone else you know?

Good at ice skating (although it’s been a while) and anything percussive/rhythmic.

6. What would be the hardest thing for you to give up?

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