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Old 09-11-2018, 06:57 PM   #55476 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by 66Sexy View Post
Okay so there are plenty of people who bitch about fast food employees but my retort is generally that you should consider whether it's our fault or whether your fellow customers are making our jobs harder which hurts all the rest of you. Yes we're minimum wage slaves who don't care about you but we still want to get you your **** quickly and with no complaints simply because we don't want to deal with that ****.

So I present to you a customer who needs to get curb stomped. I had just gotten off work and had ordered a sandwich and was waiting while my boss took the next customer's order in line. This is the same boss I've bitched about before but in general we generally do get along cause while he's sketchy he's a cool guy with a good sense of humor that is in line with mine more than most people.

So this customer's cellphone went off while he was placing his order and my boss (who is gay just because it's funnier for the example) asked him what the disco song was in a totally friendly manner. The customer didn't know what my boss was talking about so my boss tried to explain it to him and this guy just said to my boss, "Don't play around with me", and proceeded to order two sausage biscuits and then act bitchy because he thought we had a deal on them, which we did, even though he had had no word on a price and had not even yet had his order entered into the system, and he then went on to say that "If he had to complain again..." something or other.

I'm not even leaving anything out to make us look better. The simple fact that this customer didn't understand immediately about a disco comment had angered him and he decided that he was going to be difficult. This was a regular customer and the entire store knew him to be a difficult **** who made issues out of absolutely nothing.

The customer then went on to pull out his money and put it on the counter for my boss to pick up rather than handing it to him (this is a thing that pisses us off, don't do it, just put it in our hand like we're not servants) and I love my boss for taking the money and then placing the change on the counter for the customer to pick up. Casually and he couldn't have been called out on it but it was an explicit **** you.

There are plenty of customers who take these opportunities about disco to bitch for minutes on end about what-the-****-ever, and we then have to take five minutes to appease them. Which multiplies if they're in drive-thru. So the next time you're upset that we haven't given you your food in a timely manner then consider that perhaps one of your fellow customers has taken time and sanity out of both of our lives to subject us to self-important nonsense simply because the customer is a ****ing ******* who doesn't have to treat us like human beings due to the social nature of our interactions.

Two sausage biscuits ruined an entire human interaction because one person was a ****head and this is not at all uncommon even on an hourly basis.
i treat everyone nice. ive had 3 messed up chicken sandwiches lately with fast food and its completely upset me each time. i ask for plain, chicken and bread. nothing else. but they still put nasty ass mayo on the sandwich so i had to each with only one side of bun

i didnt take the sandwich back or anything, just got mad.
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