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Old 03-18-2006, 05:18 AM   #504 (permalink)
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I'm gonna take this opportunity not to bitch really, but just to comment on something that is just really really sad, unfair, and horrible. about a week ago or so, a guy that I've known for a little while passed away. I didnt know him all too well, just met him through some friends, skied with him once, and kept in contact with him a little through email and msn. anyways, i'm just gonna write a little bit about him.

even though i only met teddy once in person, he's had a huge effect on my life. he was just such an amazing human being, thats the best i could put it. he was the guy who just lit up the room, got everyone in a good mood, and just loved life. he was also probably the most passionate skier i've ever met in my life. he lived for skiing, litterally, it was his passion, his life, he really did live and breathe the sport. like me, he loved fliming and taking pictures, and i remember the one day i was skiing with him, the two of us just had so much fun feeding off of eachother and getting stoked when one of us would capture something incredible on film. in his short life (he died at 21), he accomplished more than most people do in a lifetime. he was one of the founder of T3 media, an independant film company that produces ski movies. he was also the main videograoher and photographer. he died while filming with k2 in whistler, from a strok caused by a heart problem he'd had since birth. at least he died doing the thing he loved most. his doctor had told him that he shouldnt drink, should be careful about strenuous physical activities, but he didnt let his heart problem stop him from living his life to the fullest. he did anything and everything he could to center his life around skiing. when everyone else was too tired to get out of bed at 4am to hike in the backcountry, he was the one pulling them out of bed and shoving them into the shower to wake them up. no matter how much studying he had to do, or how early his class was the next morning, if there was an urban rail session going on, he'd be there filming. he had this amazingly infectious laugh, and just always got the most out of life. one of his best friends told me this story about him, that just really exemplifies who he was. four of them were driving back to the city from a day of skiing, and they were playing a game where if you wanted to talk to another person in the car, or hand them something, it had to take place out of the vehicle. even though he was driving, he played along, stuck his head out the window to talk to people in the backseat, reached outside the window and over the roof of the car to pass some skittles to a guy in the passanger seat, all that, and didnt break the rules once. the thing thats most inspirational about him is that he lived the exact life that he wanted. he knew he wanted his life to be skiing and he made it so, despite all the hardships that came with it, despite the pressures to abandon that life and get a higher paying job. he never backed down from his most lofty hopes and dreams, something which very few people can say that they did.

i realize this post got really ****ing long, but it's just something i had to get out. it's just so unfair that someone so amazing was taken out of the world so soon, so not really bitching, just paying respect to someone whos been a huge inspiration to me and to SO many other people in the world.
RIP teddy.
What you've done becomes the judge of what you're going to do -- especially in other people's minds. When you're traveling, you are what you are right there and then. People don't have your past to hold against you. No yesterdays on the road.
William Least Heat Moon, Blue Highways

Your toughest competitor lives in your head. Some days his name is fear, or pain, or gravity. Stomp his ass.

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