I have to say, having been away for some 3 years now, and not really posting much since 2010, I can't really see that much of a difference in activity between then and now? Maybe this place had it's heyday somewhere in between but what I found most surprising nowadays is that it, somehow, improbably, still has members and is actually quite active.
I haven't tried other forums so I don't know how much a new and improved software enhances the experience, but I think this method of communicating really doesn't require much more than what we've already got here (I really don't mind not being able to scroll through this place on my smartphone).
What I would be most sad about actually in case of this idea of moving, is that a large part of my online history would be gone with it. That's something that happened to me on another forum, which didn't bother keeping old archives, and I still haven't gotten over it since I shared some really important moments of my past there that I would have liked to revisit.
What I've found, actually, is that people (apparently, and I'm obviously one of them), despite of a slew of new social media options,
still have a need to have more in depth conversations with other people and to form communities, and I think the best way to do that still is via online forums.
So, hopefully musicbanter will keep going for the next 50 years, even if it's in this format forever and ever, at some point, it'll probably become retro or at the least a curio, a blast from the bast, to see something like this still existing (and hopefully functioning). I'd love to come here in 20 years time and go through my old posts and remind myself of all those things that my poor old brain was too small to remember...
Here's to musicbanter, still existing, in whichever form, for a long time to come...
P.s. Nice to see you again...