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Old 09-01-2018, 08:51 PM   #552 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by adidasss View Post
Yeah it does. And gay people get to decide this, not straight people.
So what if a gay person disagrees with you?

Just like black people get to decide if they feel the use of the n-word is ever appropriate or excusable (note: it's not, ever, and it's not debatable).
It is debatable, but we're not really discussing whether people can decide how they feel about things.

Faggot is an offensive word meant to belittle a specific group of people, even when it references people who aren't gay. Insulting someone by calling them a faggot is deeply homophobic, always, even if that person officiates a gay wedding the next day. People who have no prejudice towards gay people wouldn't dream about using the f-word in any context because they understand how deeply offensive and hurtful that word is to gay people.
Yet you've just used it?

You're not arguing the same thing as me. It's a homophobic word, but you can use it without being homophobic.
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