Music Banter - View Single Post - The #metoo thread (sexual assault and/or misconduct discussion)
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Old 08-28-2018, 09:24 AM   #7 (permalink)
The Batlord
Zum Henker Defätist!!
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Originally Posted by Frownland View Post
Definitely expected him to touch on the scandal at least.

The backlash to the women is gross but I think it kind of reflects a lot of the structural enabling of this kind of behaviour like with Nassir, the Catholic church, and Hollywood/Weinstein. Louis was basically the king of modern comedy in a well-connected scene, so a lot of comedians saw the scandal as a threat to their industry and behaved ****tily in order to protect it.

Hopefully he has new material soon, he's still a hysterical fellow.
Separate the art from the artist, but if he doesn't try to cover that **** in his act at some point then he has no balls. Even just on an artistic level if he acts like that's forbidden territory then it will create a disconnect with him as a person and him as a comedian while making him look like a bitch.
Originally Posted by J.R.R. Tolkien
There is only one bright spot and that is the growing habit of disgruntled men of dynamiting factories and power-stations; I hope that, encouraged now as ‘patriotism’, may remain a habit! But it won’t do any good, if it is not universal.
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