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Old 08-21-2018, 01:33 PM   #2 (permalink)
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This is gonna be based around what I'm more interested in these days. I don't play games much anymore, so I think some of the old favorites would go off the list if I played them again. Trying to keep this more to my current preferences, this is my attempt at a list:

1. Azure Dreams
2. Armored Core V
3. Makai Kingdom
4. Shinobido: Way of the Ninja

(the four top games are all tied, to be honest)
5. King of Fighters Neowave
6. Cleopatra Fortune
7. Virtua Fighter 4 Evolution
8. G-Darius
9. Strikey Sisters
10. Samurai Warriors 2
11. King's Bounty: The Legend
12. Tenchu: Fatal Shadows
13. Samurai Aces
14. Final Doom
15. Dungeon Master II
16. Disgaea 2
17. Soul Calibur II
18. Raiden III
19. Bishi Bashi Special (best party game ever. this is a fact.)
20. Deathsmiles
21. Realms of Arkania III: Shadows Over Riva (super nerdy PC RPG, but it's great if you have the patience for it. Making your 6 character team alone takes a couple hours.)
22. Pirates: The Legend of Black Kat
23. Dynasty Warriors 4 and Samurai Warriors 1 tied.
24. another Tenchu game or some more shoot 'em ups or fighting games. I could make a top 30 of just fighters...
25. ...and some more Armored Core games, because why the hell not.

A big nostalgia pick would be System Shock for DOS, but I don't care to really play it anymore.
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