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Old 08-18-2018, 06:59 PM   #36819 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by grindy View Post
I get it that self-deprecting humour isn't really you're thing but the concept can't be so alien to you, that it completely baffles you. Or does it?
Well, first, I didn't really see anything self-deprecating about Lucem's post. He posted a picture of himself and then people started making fun of him. That's not self-deprecation, that's bullying.

Second, even if Lucem did feel the need to self-deprecate, there's no need for others to pounce on that and make him feel worse. That's not what should happen in a normal, civil, supporting community (jury is still out if MB is or wants to be that kind of community).
Mutual respect, politeness and good manners are great and very important to me. What do good-natured jokes among consenting adults have to do with that?
I don't find negative comments on someone's looks "good-natured" or funny. And I also don't see where the other party gave their consent to be ridiculed, unless you think sharing something on an online forum is an open invitation for abuse.

I mean I get it, you guys are just bros and you're being "broey". I just never understood that culture and am questioning the logics (and usefulness) of it. :/

But you know, carry on I guess...:/
“Think of what a paradise this world would be if men were kind and wise.” - Kurt Vonnegut, Cat's Cradle.

Last edited by adidasss; 08-18-2018 at 07:11 PM.
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