Originally Posted by MicShazam
I've played some of the later games a lot too. Gundam 3 and Orochi 3 most of all. Some of the games disappointed me a lot too. I honestly think DW8 is crap and DW7 wasn't much better. Or 6 for that matter. *sigh*
I have Orochi 3 but haven't played much of it. I hear it's considered by many to be the best game in the series. Gundam 3 is crack for me though. You play the same maps and short missions over and over again but I've never gotten tired of it. I don't even like Gundam all that much. But letting you choose between a million pilots and also switch Mobile Suits AND customize them AND AND AND grind for Suit plans sucks me in for weeks. I'm tempted to start it up now and try to finish the random missions I haven't gotten around to yet.
Duo with Deathscythe is my ****ing jam. But those lower level Gundams that aren't super stylized or powerful with just rifles and normal lightsabers are hella fun too.