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Old 08-13-2018, 07:35 PM   #7339 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Frownland View Post
If Sterling was white then he probably wouldn't be targeted by racists.

When it comes to black v white players, which group do you think "deserves" more criticism? Remember, just because you ain't donning white robes doesn't mean that you can't be racist.
He's not being targeted by racists. Read the story: Ian Wright, who also happens to be black, is INTIMATING that the stick he is getting is because he's black, not because he can be a **** footballer. It's speculation, more an excuse than anything else and definitely Wright playing the race card.

I guarantee you, if Sterling was not black then Wright would not have made that comment. What about all the white guys who tend(ed) to be **** finishers? What about the Neville brothers? Responsible for so many mistakes that led to goals against Man U. Did anyone ever suggest this was due to racism? It's just an way to throw the spotlight off the fact that Sterling is often a **** player and try to blame it on his being black.
Originally Posted by Goofle View Post
Sterling definitely gets more of a go-around from the papers because of his skin color.
Prove it. I'm not aware of his receiving any stick due to his colour, any more than, say, Pogba, Rashford or Kante for instance. Maybe he does, maybe the evidence is there, but I ain't seen it. Just cos Wrighty suggests it doesn't necessarily make it true. His own words - "What else could it be?" - make it pretty clear he's grasping at straws here.
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