Originally Posted by Oriphiel
Now I'm just imagining you moving up north and living above a bakery with a talking pet moose, like a Canadian version of Kiki's Delivery Service.
You want Netflix's email?
Should charge those ****ers rent. And then self loathing shows up, and is like "Yo, we havin' a party?" and invites his buds, paralyzing fear and crippling self doubt.
See, this is why you're a natural writer and why I love you.
And then you're awake at 2:00 A.M., writing a story about a guy who finds out that all his **** is being stolen by invisible goblins
I'm stealing this.
Originally Posted by elphenor
I actually think its more akin to the saying "marry and you will regret it, don't marry and you will regret that too!"
only the Bat and dog come out satisfied as nature didn't play the cruel trick of letting them consider it
Also bats are just cool, I'd like to be a bat thanks
I'm assuming he meant our Bat ie Batty?
Originally Posted by adidasss
I'd just like to say that I was expecting to see Will Young acting in that clip, so I'd like my minute and a half back please...:/
Is this what you do? Is that why your nick is trollheart? Have I been trollhearted??
Sorry; it was just an example to show you that the show exists and that you should really watch it. He acts pretty well. I have to admit I didn't run it through to see if he was actually in it.
Despite my name, I actually don't troll. Ask anyone. Except that guy.
Originally Posted by Fluff
I think he'd better leave right now.