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Old 07-24-2018, 06:35 PM   #12 (permalink)
one-balled nipple jockey
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This is hypocritical because I gave Kiii **** for saying he likes his job

But I like my new job. I’m in the kitchen at a high end restaurant. It’s not a chain, obviously. I’m learning so much about food and the atmosphere in the kitchen is like a good school the managers and chefs want to teach you new things. They’re also very kind and patient. And the high level people consult with the low level. It’s not like just formulated recipes. The recipes vary based on availability and the cooks and chefs discuss what they need and what they can do with the next order of food. Compared to teaching it’s very democratic and non-hierarchical. And at least verbally everyone even the dishwashers are treated with respect.

elph I don’t want you think that softens my stance against private property

Maybe it’s only because compared to what I’m used to in education it’s far less oppressive and depressing but yeah I like it there

I don’t want to be there so much or so long but I do feel happiness when I’m there

Compared to teaching where it reached the point that I felt like I’d literally rather die than go to work it’s a huge relief that I can work and not feel like killing myself

I thought it was impossible

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