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Old 07-24-2018, 03:40 PM   #364 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by The Batlord View Post
Your high temperature was 83, which isn't fun but is still a perfectly reasonable summer temp. If Virginia never got above 83 all summer I'd suck anyone's cock you presented before me and stick my tongue out to show their cum like a porn star.
I'm not denying it's still relatively mild compared to what some other countries are getting, but this is Denmark. After our summer standards, this summer has been highly unusual. And I'm so unaccustomed to any sort of hot weather that I feel really uncomfortable at anything over 24 degrees celcius. I'd prefer 15-20 degrees all year round. I actually prefer spring and fall to summer.

EDIT: I just wanted to mention that I'm even more of a chicken about hot temperatures than your average Dane. During winter, I keep my apartment so cool that friends and family who visit usually complain about the cold and I have to turn up the radiators just for their sake.
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