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Old 07-21-2018, 10:34 AM   #1 (permalink)
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Default What Sucks About This Genre: Jazz Edition

Time for another controversial post to give you all something to bust my balls about!

Personally, jazz almost always leaves me cold, and though I've come across a few decent albums/artists in the last few years, it's still the last genre I turn to when I want to listen to something for enjoyment.

That said, what really sucks about jazz is what I'll call "Jazz People" - fans and adherents of the genre who seem to think that because they're into it and you're not, that you're somehow inferior. The level of arrogance, condescension and pure snobbery prevalent among Jazz People is incredible. It's like they consider you a different form of life. Reminds me of those old English gentlemen's clubs, where the stuffy upper class guys read their newspapers and smoked their cigars and huffed and puffed and tsked and harrumphed at the world outside their little microcosm.

Jazz People (and I definitely include several members here, and they know who they are) give you the idea that it's YOUR fault it you don't like jazz. They don't consider that, you know, maybe it's just not for you. It's almost a crime not to like it, and some (though not here) listen to it exclusively, refusing to listen to any other music because they deem it not worth their time. It's like, this music has been around for so long, it's so respected, how could you not like it? There must be something wrong with you.

THAT's what makes jazz suck, for me anyway.

Right. Come at me, bros.
Trollheart: Signature-free since April 2018
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