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Old 07-13-2018, 08:23 AM   #454 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by MicShazam View Post
Even grumpy old me. I mean, sure, I don't rank Sabbath albums like most would and I don't listen to them much, but I've still got a handful on my shelf.

Zep, Beatles, Floyd... they're all quite old bands by now. A lot has happened in music since and people of my age and younger didn't grow up with them like the 60's generation did. Disregarding historical context (which I always insist on doing), I can't really say that any of them seem that special to me. Especially the Beatles. Pink Floyd might have a few albums I could see myself getting into with time. Some of their earlier stuff was pretty interesting and very atmospheric.
Who cares about bands being old or not? There's tons of stuff from the sixties that still sounds as mind-blowing as ever.
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