Originally Posted by grindy
Originally Posted by MicShazam
Does it make it better if I say that I considered staying for the tits?
I wouldn't think you would have had much of a wait.
Originally Posted by The Batlord
Just don't read "sword and sorcery dragons and elf bitches" fantasy then. It's a creatively stagnant field of literature that's been stagnant for almost as long as it's existed and has only gotten more self-indulgent since D&D corrupted our youth. The only reason to read it is if you're into escapism for the sake of escapism. (And yes, fellow fantasy dorks, I'm also talking about Game of Thrones cause it's just the emperor's new clothes in less cringy fashion.)
There is other fantasy out there though.

Barker's more horror though. And that's where it gets confusing, because where do you draw the line? Sure, sci-fi is sci-fi, and usually there's no argument there. Even steampunk is sci-fi. But horror and fantasy tend to meld a lot in my experience. "Interview with the Vampire" is undoubtedly horror, but with some fantasy elements. Much of Barker's stuff, I definitely agree, can straddle both genres. Brian Lumley's Necroscope series is almost all three melded.
Then there's Koontz...